Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is defined by the Center for Disease Control as persistent or relapsing fatigue lasting greater than 6 months. To meet the CFS criteria, 4 of 8 symptoms must occur in combination with the fatigue.
1. Short term memory loss
2. Sore throat
3. Tender cervical or axillary lymph nodes
4. Joint pain without swelling or redness
5. Headaches
6. Unrefreshing sleep
7. Post exertional malaise that lasts more than 24 hours.
CFS can occur in combination with Fibromyalgia and Chemical Sensitivity. It frequently occurs following a flu-like illness and is most common in middle-aged women. Food allergy, inhalant allergies, xenobiotic or heavy metal exposure may be associated with the occurrence of CFS. Depressed cortical/cerebellar blood flow, immune suppression, and metabolic imbalances may be seen in patients presenting with this syndrome.
Johnson Medical Associates understands the complexity of this illness while realizing the bioindividuality of each person’ response. JMA takes a holistic approach to both the diagnosis and treatment of CFS.
Diagnostic tools include:
1. A thorough history and physical
2. Environmental and work history
3. Review of any past and present medications
4. Review of the use of alcohol, tobacco
5. Psychological profile
6. Laboratory tests such as CBC with differential and Sedimentation rate, Labscan, Thyroid panel and TSH, Urinalysis, EBV Panel, T and B Lymphocyte Panel, Immunoglobulins, Cortisol levels, 2,3-DPG, heavy metal evaluation, Xenobiotic panels, Stool analysis for ova, parasites, bacteria and fungus, Venus and Arterial blood gases, Mineral and Vitamin analysis.
7. Imaging tests such as MRI and/or Single Photon Emission Computerized Tomography
8. Allergy screening
These tests should provide an accurate analysis of the health and well being of the patient. The physician is then able to construct a treatment plan which meets the specific needs of the patient.
1. Nutritional therapies, IV or oral
2. IM or IV immune support
3. Biofeedback
4. Oxygen therapy
5. Antigen therapy for existing allergies
6. Medications as indicated by symptoms or laboratory analysis
7. Reduction of heavy metal or chemical body burden